Directory of all French LPG Stationsgl Mobile allows you to find the cheapest and closest LPG stations.
Directory of All French LPG Stations
ASGPL Mobile allows you to find the cheapest and closest GPL stations.
The application is 100% free!
In version 1.2, you can view the stations on a card! And no need for GPS for stations nearby!
- Compare the prices of the LPG fuel
- List your favorite stations
- View LPG stations and their price on your mobile
- Read the prices of the stations
An important community
Thanks to synchronization with the Annuaire des Stations GPL (, benefit from a community of more than 6000 members relating to the price of GPL daily in more than 1,700 stations across France.
An offline operating application
This application can be used without 3G connection! WiFi or 3G connection can only be activated to synchronize your data with the online directory.
As soon as the application is opened, prices are automatically updated if an internet connection exists! You will therefore always have the last stations statements.
Simple and effective features
- Find your stations by regions
- Find your stations by departments
- Create a list of favorite stations
- Find the stations closest to you
- Read the price of stations in 2 clicks
- Synchronize your stations base in 1 CIC
If you encounter the slightest problem on the application, do not hesitate to contact me by email ([email protected]) or to create an anomaly on
- Improvement of the location function (network location or GPS)
- Addition of cards to locate service stations (from detail of the Station page)
- Addition of a filter on the list of stations
- Sorting of the default prices of the La Monin Dear to the most expensive (or not entered) station